Del Consulting Blog

Tech Changes to Help You Pivot Your Brand


In the past couple of weeks, teleworking has produced some massive changes. While most of us were striving to simply have the strength to put on a new set of Corona Pajamas, the tech world was hard at work creating some innovative updates to streamline and make things easier for small businesses. 


The most notable of the bunch was definitely Zoom. Although I’ve been using the platform for a couple of years now, some of my counterparts were only introduced to the communication tool a couple of weeks ago when the world seemingly seemed to shut down face to face interaction. But with any good thing, there are always some drawbacks. As soon as millions of people started to use the platform more, hackers flocked to cause havoc and “Zoom-bomb” people’s meetings. Since then, the company quickly responded with several updates and features like virtual waiting rooms to increase security and ease people’s apprehension when using the software. 


Not one to be outdone, Facebook got on it’s virtual Hoveround and quickly enabled some changes of their own. Facebook rolled out Meeting Rooms (undoubtedly as a response to rival Zoom), and Facebook Shops. They also announced a massive grant program to help small businesses and ran a ton of ads promoting Facebook groups. I think it’s safe to say that Facebook is doing whatever it can to keep you on their platform at all times. They essentially want to become the Walmart of social media platforms - where you can get anything you need all in one place. 

**photo courtesy Mark Zuckerberg Facebook page**

To enhance the attraction of Facebook Shops, the company partnered with brands such as Shopify, BigCommerce, and ShipStation. You can even connect your accounts with your Instagram profile. The partnership allows users to integrate their online stores from platforms they may have already created. It also increases the trust factor of conducting financial transactions on the platform because it is utilizing other platforms in which people are already familiar. 



Down the street is Facebook’s little sister Instagram. They have updated the app and maximized some of the features available in Stories. Instagram included the ‘Support Small Business’ stickers, as well as a feature that allows users to purchase gift cards. They have also launched Instagram Shops that integrate with Facebook Shops. This feature is different from shoppable product tags, which drive shoppers off the platform to purchase. The Shops app allows an added convenience for businesses and consumers; allowing consumers to shop and purchase all in one place. 

*”Photo courtesy of Adspresso*

For those who are advocates of using video, Instagram also updated its features to provide users with the ability to save their IG Lives. Previously the platform didn’t have a feature that saved the livestreams, so content in this form immediately disappeared after 24 hours. Now, with the new update you can save the IGTV and download it to share elsewhere. 


LinkedIn is arguably one of the most underutilized platforms for small business owners. Although the company has trillions of users, a very small number of people are active on their LinkedIn profiles. For those who actively use the platform, one of the advantages is access to new features on the platform. The online networking platform recently announced the rollout of two new tools that may provide liquid gold for small business owners and online marketers. 


The addition of the 'Polls' feature allows users to connect deeper with their audience and gain powerful insight to shape their business goals. They have also introduced 'Presentation Mode' for Hashtags, which provides a way to filter through content that is relevant to users’ business or industry. For those that are in the midst of building their business and need a way to gain data and insights, this is a great tool to implement. 



It’s safe to say that things are getting pretty competitive on social media platforms. As people are figuring out ways to get creative with engagement and interaction, the tech world is fast at work building responsive solutions to suit our new lifestyle. 

Which one of these new developments excites you the most? Which tool do you think will help grow your business the most? 

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Brand Building During Covid

Times are tough. Let’s develop a plan.


The Coronavirus truly hit the world like a ton of bricks. Our schedules have all been restructured due to social distancing and attempts to Stop the Spread. Being at home can take some getting used to. And I know you’re all tempted to sit around and binge watch Tiger King on Netflix. But this is actually the perfect time to give your business and your brand a little TLC. As we make room for this new wave of business interactions, brand management is still a very essential part of growing a sustainable business.  

We’ve all seen how the Big Box brands were able to pivot so quickly during the impact of COVID-19. Many immediately changed their policies and procedures to offer options that would fit into our new social distancing norm. While companies like Domino’s and Burger King may have been able to implement changes right away, it’s not always that easy for smaller businesses. Small businesses don’t always have the staff, technical infrastructure, or standard operating procedures to provide seamless business activity during a crisis. For most small businesses, implementing new products and services can take months. But taking a few hours out of each day during quarantine can help you plan for potential shifts in your business structure. Furthermore, looking at these changes while things have slowed down a bit can give you enough breathing room to make changes without feeling overwhelmed. 

The first thing to consider is the current state of your business. This is where we have to be brutally honest. What things are working well in your business, and what things are causing you the most stress? The thing you love and may be holding onto so tightly may be the very thing that’s holding you back from being successful as a business owner. Just because we are passionate about something doesn’t mean that it’s a good fit for us in terms of making a living. If it’s causing you an immense amount of stress, then it may be time to change your offers. Having some down time during quarantine may be the perfect solution to reevaluate and revise your offers. 


Who are your clients? Are you happy with the people you do business with? Sometimes, in the midst of trying so hard to make a living we forget what it’s like to live. We put up with clients we aren’t happy with because they are attached to our bottom line. We tell ourselves that we HAVE to endure the relationship in order to be financially stable. But what if you didn’t have to endure the pitfalls of those relationships? How much better would you feel about your business? Again, this is when we have to be brutally honest with ourselves. If you aren’t happy with the clients you have now, what is the reason behind your unhappiness? Are you taking on an area of business that doesn’t suit you? Or perhaps your offers are attracting the wrong people. Experiencing an unbearable client is not always just because the client is difficult. Sometimes the difficulty lies within the nature of the relationship. When people are unhappy, it’s important to ask questions to get to the root of the dissatisfaction. You may end up finding your solution underneath their dissatisfaction. 

So where does that leave you? Realizing that you aren’t happy with your client base is just the beginning. Once you’ve identified the issue, it’s time to take action. Once you’ve identified it, follow up with revising your written mission statement and identifying the traits of your dream clients and collaborations. This will give you a clear view of how to proceed with your brand management strategy. You’ll quickly discover whether or not you should keep your current offers and simply refine, or come up with completely different offers for an entirely new client base. 

It sounds like a lot to think about. But the short term discomfort of implementing a new solid brand strategy is much better than the long term pain of running a business that you don’t love. 

Download the FREE Brand Emergency Kit today. It will give you quick tips, guidelines, and templates for planning out your branding strategy!

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